Julio has Cerebral Palsy and is a user of APAM Day Center (Madrid). We know him thanks to Eva, Occupational Therapist, and Mila, Speech therapist, who work in that center. We met at the Congress of Low Cost Technologies organized by the Spanish National Health Service every summer. When they saw our first Mouse4all prototype, they immediately thought of Julio and other users at APAM with severe mobility difficulties. We are eternally grateful for the trust they placed in us, and for their drive to look for new solutions to improve the lives of the persons they work with.
Julio had used a PC with a head switch before, but using an Android tablet has been a huge positive change for him. Now he can connect to YouTube to watch his favorite bands, or play games. Julio loves to play apps like Boccia (the game), take selfies, and challenge his mind at Memory. As a side effect, Eva needs to silence his tablet exery now an then so that he does not disturb the rest of the class. In his own words: “It has opened me a little more to the Internet, and now I can search for many things.“
“We had achieved access to the PC for persons with mobility problems, but we had not dreamed of being able to use phones or tablets”, says Mila. As Eva summarizes referring to APAM users, “the tablets and Mouse4all have opened a window to the world, allowing them to improve their personal development.“